

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Cheng Mun Chee Kee Pig Organ Soup @ Lavender

We ordered almost everything from the menu. 油菜 (Vegetables in oyster sauce), braised peanuts, 罗汉斋 (Mixed vegetables), Hua Tiao Wine Chicken, Salted fish pattie and not to forget the main star, Pig Organ Soup. 

It's those kind of soup that taste especially comforting on rainy days. Filled with pig stomach, pig liver, tofu, meat balls, the broth is clear, not too greasy but with that delightful sourish tang from the salted mustard. The soup is so tasty that I can't help but keep pouring spoonfuls into my rice. Available in either $4/$6, every bowl of pig organ soup alone would more than suffice a meal as the broth can be refilled for free. 

Black-face Dad was sweet enough to add on a bowl of Black Vinegar Pig Braised Trotters towards the end of the meal since it's Pretty Mum's favourite dish, though at the expense of everyone's near-full stomach capacity as it turned out to be the dish with the largest portion.

The gravy was pretty appetizing, which could pass off easily for those who seldom have BV Pig Trotters but it still some miles away from the more robust and gingery version from my grandma, as asserted by Pretty Mum who found it watery. 

Cheng Mun Chee Kee Pig Organ Soup
24 Foch Road 
Daily 9am-5am 

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