Just as most people will bee-line for Chao Zhou Fishball Noodle, I thought Lau Pa Sat Fishball Minced Meat Noodles is also another unexpected good find in the hawker center. There were only two options; either Fishball minced meat or Mushroom minced meat at $3/$4.
It was a quick decision for me to pick the Fishball minced meat noodles since the stall was named after it.
The Mee Pok here is thinner than the average Mee Pok and could easily be mistaken as yellow noodles.Yet they were fresh and toothsome, perhaps even outshining the classic meepok. There was no trace of vinegar but the punchy chilli and soy sauce contributed to a tremendous bowl that caught me swooshing up the noodles in delight.
A wild fistful of cilantro, pork liver, minced meats and crispy pork bits made for a nice recalibration of the palate. But what I liked most is the generous addition juicy shrimp dumplings and He Kiao, which is less visible in bak chor Mee these days.
The only problem seemed to lie in the fishballs that were not very springy. But nonetheless, it's a very huge and satisfying bowl that sustained my enthusiasm right to the end.
Block 22 Toa Payoh Lorong 7 #01-02
Kim Keat Palm Food Centre Singapore 310051
8 am to 2 pm
(Closed on Monday)
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