

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Thye Moh Chan : Mao Shan Wang Durian Tau Sar Piah

With all kinds of mooncakes in fanciful flavors in the mooncake scene, it is always good to take a break and enjoy the teochew tau sar piah mooncakes. After all, these are still genetically mung bean paste pastries with a savoury touch, which implies that they are easier to consume than the average cloyingly sweet lotus-paste filled mooncakes.

Two years ago, I wrote about Thye Moh Chan's traditional tau sar piah mooncakes but not the durian version. This year, I finally have the luck to taste the premium Mao Shan Wang tau sar piah mooncakes. Encased within the flaky pastry shell is the durian-infused bean paste with a smooth texture nearly similar to a thick custard. 

The intensely pungent aroma is simply irresistible for a durian lover like me though this could be less sweet. Do reserve your durian tau sar piahs early as they are available only in limited amounts. 

I gladly stand by my words for my favourite Yuan Yang, whose quality has remained unchanged over the years. The "spicy" pork floss and salty mung-bean is a heavenly match on the flavour profile which will only encourage you to continue taking one slice after another. 

A biggest headache I faced here perhaps, is how to exercise self-restraint at these aromatic treats. Strangely, I never found myself reacting the same way with the usual mooncakes. 

Like Yuan Yang, the Salty Tau Sar Piah comes with a decadent egg yolk but without the pork floss. Other choices include the Sweet Tau Sar, Teochew Double Delight and the Teochew Traditional Mooncake. 

Prices range from medium box of 4 at $24.80 to $38.80

Thye Moh Chan 
Outlets at Paragon, Chinatown Point and Vivocity
For more info, visit http://thyemohchan.com/  

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