

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Mouth Restaurant: Treasure Pot Feast 九大簋盆菜

相信大家对传统的“盆菜” 一点也不陌生、但是您可曾听过 “九大簋盆菜” ? 虽然 [簋] 和[鬼] 同音,但它其实是中国广东传统的吉祥菜。据说贫民吃盆菜,而较富裕的家庭吃的就是九大簋盆菜。一向来都走在“食尚”尖端的地茂馆这次推出了“九大簋套餐” ,豪迈大气、价钱公道、适合一家大小来品尝。相较与把所有珍贵食材混为一体的盆菜,九大簋盆菜则是分开来吃。因此簋指的就是古代放置食物的器皿,而「九大」则代表風、雲、雷、雨、海、火、水、地、天,是「造物之初」的「相爭」之物。一般的九大都以烧乳猪开场。为配合十至十二月的寒季,店家把原有的脆皮烧猪改成上海清蒸大闸蟹 。采用清蒸的方式保留了蟹的原汁原味。蟹肉不多,重点在于蟹膏。浓郁的蟹膏沾上黑醋一起吃、一来抵消油腻、二来衬托出鲜甜。自从多年前了解鱼翅的捕获过程,我已经不碰鱼翅了。不过这道街头碗仔翅却让我吃得津津有味。它虽起源于鱼翅,用的却不是真鱼翅。这道四五十年代的香港街边小吃有冬菇、木耳和猪肉丝、淋上红醋或黑醋,有趣地搭配酥脆的云吞皮、非常开胃。紧接着的怀旧窝貼虾也是一道经典佳肴。炸至金黄色的吐司脆而不腻、搭配来自沙地阿拉伯特别养殖的...

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Les Patisseries Toa Payoh

Opened by three young culinary graduates, Les Patisserie may be "another cafe in the hoods" but not quite so because it churns out some fine French pastries which caught my curiosity. Very much so since there is a scarcity of good ones in SG. Dulcey Hazelnut $7I selfishly wished that the people could just focus on pastries and execute them well. But perhaps diversifying into savoury brunches, light pasta meals and coffee is also part of...

The Boiler: It's a Crustacean Feast

Run by bankers-turned restauranteurs, The Boiler is an Louisiana style Seafood restaurant located in the most unthinkable place-Tai Seng Industrial area. But the location doesn't seem to matter at all, given that it was brimming with diners on a weekday night of our visit. First up, we kicked off the lobster relvery with the Live whole Boston lobsters that are available in three different sauces. The Works (spiciness ranging from mild to...

Friday, 26 September 2014

Yojiya Cafe よーじや: From Kyoto to Tokyo

If you have been to Kyoto, you may have come across Yojiya, a famous cosmetic brand best known for their oil-blotting paper. It has finally stepped out of Kyoto to set up a cafe in Shibuya, Tokyo. Menu might not be as extensive as the cafe in Kyoto but it still features popular items like this Yojiya matcha parfait (¥1000). It is quite hard to forget this parfait, not because of the rather "scary" face but because it is exceptionally sweet....

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Rong Cheng Bak Kut Teh : Dark Clouds Looming

Disappointing.  Standards have dropped tremendously. The lukewarm bak kut soup ($7/pax) was the ominous sign of a meal that eventually went downhill. The pork ribs, regardless of which country it came from, was not consistently cooked. It was the first time I encountered so much difficulties tearing off the meat from the bones. When cold lettuces and cold pig liver/kidney slices are thrown into a broth that is not hot enough, the final outcome...