

Friday 6 June 2014

SCS Star Baker Challenge 2014

Calling all aspiring bakers!!!
Familiar house brand SCS Butter has launched the Star Baker Challenge 2014 where you can showcase your baking skills and get a chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Australia for two worth $5,000!!
Simply register as a member on the SCS website and then submit photos of your creations to the website’s event submission page. As long as you submit an entry, you will be awarded with a SCS 1-Star Baker certificate in recognition of your effort. Remember to include a SCS foil-wrapped butter block in order to qualify!
All finalists will also receive a trophy, specially customized SCS apron, baker’s kit and recognized as 5-Star Bakers, the highest honour in the challenge.
Think you got the skills to win the challenge? Hurry and join in the 1-STAR challenge before 20th June!
Special thanks to Nicole and SCS Butter for the baking kit and apron


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