

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Mezza9 at Grand Hyatt: September Chocoholic Promotion



Who can resist it? If you can, you must be one in a million. 
I eat chocolates daily without fail but I know I am not the only one. And naturally, I let myself succumb to the power of chocolate once again at Mezza9's Chocolate Promotion available only this September. 

What is so lucrative about this deal is that one gets a tasty tour of chocolates AROUND THE WORLD in eighty ONE DAYWith Nine chocolate-based desserts using gourmet chocolate from Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland and the United States set on a double-tiered set, this can be billed as the ultimate chocolate indulgence

It's Bubbling...It's Sizzling...It's Frothing. It's an old hat trick of serving desserts on dry ice but I can't help but be captivated by the stunning presentation. Made using 100% COCOA PASTE with NO MILK, this is cocoa sherbet at its most intense. Just make sure that the nibs of caramel tuile don't get stuck in your teeth.

Get a taste of history with these chocolate truffles made with 50% cocoa from the 102-year old Callebaut brand from Belgium. Precisely because it's freshly hand-rolled, there is no chalkiness like those factory-made pralines.

For artisan chocolatiers, Varlhona from France is a familiar name. But I am encountering Dulcey, a new Blond Chocolate in this Caramel Mille-feuile for the first time (scroll to top for pic). The explanatory notes boast "a delicately sweet taste that marries intense biscuit flavours with a pinch of salt, a creamy texture, hints of caramelized milk, and unique blond color"

And indeed, the combo of Pierre Herme-perfect crispy puff pastry and satisfyingly sweet filling got my guinea pigs oinking with glea.

The Ivory Chocolate Creme Brulee is big and bold with a velvety, enveloping texture. And there is a secret tangy raspberry sauce at the base to temper the flavour. Oops...now that's not a secret anymore. 

With some stellar creations, there are also some not-so-shiny ones. The Brooklyn Blackout Brownies made with 91% Guittard had a slightly granulated texture, and I would prefer more cake than walnuts. The bitter taste could be more pronounced.
True to its German Origin, the Sacher Torte was made with chocolates from Austria. But I heaved a great sigh of relief when there was spiced jam had not been sandwiched in between the layers. Otherwise the sweetness alarm would be sounded.  
The Piedmont Hazelnut Fondant tasted better than the first time I had it but it could be be served warmer. made with 75% Amedei from Italy. Nonetheless, it was spurring a lot more lava than many sold elsewhere, the way I liked it.
A very memorable creation would be this mound of Bitter Chocolate Cream with Sea Salt and Crispy Bread --something I would love to slowly savour. One reason is because the Millenium Olive Oil poured ala minute is extracted from olives that are plucked from 1000 year old tree. This created a never-before-experienced smooth texture and of course, the sea salt was sharp and addictive. 

With too much caramel, vanilla or cocoa oozing on the tongue, the 70% hot chocolate comes in timely to dim the sugar and keep things manly.
This set is available during lunch and dinner, as a good way to end of your meal. Or simply as your main course (for chocoholics) All the components are available ala carte and special wines recommended by the sommelier for pairing with the chocolates can be served if you like to get a little tipsy over the sweets. 

Give your tastebuds a sensuous treat now. Good stuff are hard to come by. 


Special September Chocolate Promotion
Mezza9 at Grand Hyatt
10 Scotts Road
Mezzanine Level

Singapore 228211
For Reservations, call: 6732 1234
More info, visit website here

Special thanks to Ms Sandee and Ms Indrani for the invite

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